Tools You Should Always Have in Your Vehicle

There is no question that driving can be fun; however, it is also a necessity. Most people rely on their vehicles to get them to work, school and to run errands. In order to make sure you are safe while driving in Sandy Point, ID be sure you have the following items with you at all times. This will allow you to handle any emergency situation that may come up while on the road.


It is a good idea to keep several lint-free, clean rags in any vehicle to wipe the dipstick for your transmission or oil and check the levels. These rags can also be used to clean the inner part of your windshield if it becomes cloudy.

Spare parts

If you have decided to replace the spark plugs, you should save the old ones if they have not become too worn. Throw them in your toolbox to use as a replacement if needed. This goes for your older air filters or other gizmos that may need to be replaced. Keeping a few extra screws, bolts and nuts can be beneficial.

Spare tire

This one may seem obvious, but it is essential to make sure you have a spare tire with you at all times. This will ensure you can change out a flat tire if needed.

Lug wrench

This is an essential tool for changing a tire and something you should keep in the trunk or truck bed at all times. If you don’t have this, it will be impossible to change a tire.

Take some time to make sure you are safe on the road. This includes purchasing quality insurance coverage. If you need vehicle insurance, contact The Insurance Shop USA today to learn more.



5 Tips to Adopt for Safe Driving

According to the Idaho Transportation Department, there were more than 22,000 motor vehicle crashes in 2014. Adopting safe driving habits should be a priority if you want to avoid a collision on the road.

  1. Wear a seatbelt while driving. There is a reason the seatbelt is also called a safety belt. It can save lives if you are ever in a car accident. Seatbelts are intended to protect your spinal cord and brain while keeping you inside the vehicle in the event of a crash.
  2. Keep your windows clean. Your windows become caked with mud, dirt, spots, and other debris from fluctuating weather conditions. You should maintain window-washing fluid to keep the debris from clouding your visual field.
  3. Pass vehicles at a safe distance. Keep a distance of approximately 3 seconds between you and the car you wish to pass. Being too close can limit the right amount of space needed and cause a collision, especially on highways where speeds are elevated.
  4. Take steps to stay alert. Staying alert can be something as simple as slowing down at an intersection, whether it has a stop sign or not. In neighborhoods where children may play, you should also be alert. A child could run into the road in an instant.
  5. Adjust your driving for cloudy weather conditions. The first few minutes after it starts to rain is when the road is the most slippery. When it begins to rain, oils that are embedded in the way begin to lift. You should be most cautious during this time and drive slower.

For more tips about adopting safe driving habits, visit The Insurance Shop USA in Sandpoint, Idaho. The independent insurance agents can also explore new policy options and answer any questions you may have regarding your current policy.

How to Keep Your Car Clean

Your car is often one of the first things that new friends and co-workers notice about you.  For that reason, it’s just as important to keep it clean as it is to keep your home clean.  If you’re short on time, however, that can be hard to do.  Follow these tips to keep your car looking great.

  1. Collect trash regularly.  Make it a habit to collect a bag of trash every time you’re in a drive-through line or waiting to pick the kids up from school.  Make it a game among the kids; whoever fills a trash bad first wins a small prize (or just gets to pick the radio station that day).
  2. Never leave your car empty-handed.  Every time you get out of the car, make sure you’re taking something else out of it.  This can really reduce the clutter that tends to accumulate.  Make sure to get your kids on board, especially if they tend to leave school papers and sporting equipment in your vehicle.
  3. Keep car cleaning wipes in your car.  These are easy to store and they make it easy to clean all kinds of messes.  Look for upholstery wipes to immediately wipe up any spilled liquids.  Also keep glass wipes on hand to quickly remove anything that gets on windows and the windshield (this is also a good safety tip).

After taking such good care of your car, you want to make sure that you have a good auto insurance policy to protect it as well.  Call the agents at The Insurance Shop USA to find an affordable policy that will give you the protection you need.

Rental Car Options in Sandypoint, Indiana

Located in the heart of Idaho, Sandypoint allows it’s residents to lake Pend Orielle and all the beautiful surrounding rocky mountain wildlife the state has to offer. So visiting friends and family will probably want a car to drive, to explore the countryside themselves, so they aren’t relying on you to drive them around. Below are some rental car options in Sandypoint, Idaho, all with different pros and cons.


Renting a car at the airport or a local car rental place near Sandypoint is probably the simplest option, but can be expensive. Sure, they can rent a car for a low day rate, but they will have to turn down the insurance on the vehicle.  This is usually a bad idea in general, due to the winding mountain roads in this part of Idaho. The inclement weather can be hazardous and dangerous to drive in and the wildlife that could always dart out in front of them. Accidents in a rental car without coverage can be quite expensive and then there’s the tacked on the cost of gas, to boot.


A taxi or a private driver is another option though this is undoubtedly the most expensive way to get around Sandypoint, Idaho, as they’ll be hiring not only the car but the driver. That said, they won’t be directly paying for gas or having to worry about getting into an accident, so it may be the best way to get around the area if they can afford it.


Allowing friends and family to borrow your car may be best for your visitors as it’s probably the cheapest and most efficient. However, it could put you in a problematic situation if they happen to have an accident, as your auto insurance may not cover them and you will suddenly be at fault for allowing them to drive. So check your auto insurance policy and consider getting a new one through The Insurance Shop USA, who serves the Sandypoint, Idaho area to make sure visitors borrowing your vehicle will be covered.


Top Tips for Driving in Winter Weather in Rathdrum

If you’re willing to get out in the cold weather and take on the slippery roadways, then it’s important that you be as prepared as possible. Proper preparation will require taking several factors into consideration. For starters, you’ll want to make sure that in the event you were to become stranded on the side of the road that you have proper attire. This will include having lots of blankets and winter gear stored in your trunk. You’ll also want to keep a charged up cell phone on you at all times. Even if the phone doesn’t have carrier service on it, you can still use it to call 911 if need be. 

Switch Out Your Tires

Another way to be ready for driving in winter weather is by switching out your tires for ones that go well in the snow. Winter tires are well known for having a certain type of tread on them that enables them to strongly grip the roadway even when it’s wet and slick. As you can imagine, these tires tend to be a bit more expensive than their counterparts, which is why you should switch them out to ensure you get the most use out of them as possible during the parts of the year that they need to be on your car. 

Be Careful with 4WD

Just because you have a vehicle with 4WD capabilities doesn’t mean it’s going to brake any faster than vehicles that are only 2WD. In fact, because 4WD vehicles are usually quite large, it will likely take you longer to brake, especially when sliding on ice or snow. 

To learn more about driving the safe way in winter weather, contact an agent from The Insurance Shop USA today. 

Fall Car Care In Sandypoint

Sandypoint can be a lot of fun. As the weather gets colder throughout Idaho, there are car care tips that you will want to follow to prepare. This will ensure that your car is in the best condition possible to deal with all of the fall weather.

One of the first things you need to do is check on the battery. Connections need to be clean and tight because the colder weather can be especially harsh on batteries. The charging system needs to be in good condition.

The entire heater and defroster system needs to be inspected as well. An HVAC professional can look at the cooling performance to ensure that you have the interior comfort that you need. This way when you turn on the heat, you can be sure that it works properly. You also want to have the defroster checked. This is a great time to have the wiper blades and the cabin air filter replaced as well.

Tires should be checked during the fall months as well. You want to make sure that there is a good amount of tire tread so that there is sufficient grip on the roads. Also, note that as the temperatures get colder, the PSI can change dramatically.

You may also want to consider having your brakes inspected at this time. This is something that should be done annually and the fall can be your reminder. After all, with all the ice and snow that may be on the roads, you want to make sure that your brakes are capable of stopping regardless of road conditions.

At the Insurance Shop USA, we’re here to answer questions you have about auto insurance. Call today and one of our agents can find quotes, explain coverage, and help you get an affordable policy you can rely on in Sandypoint.


Save On Car Insurance In ID If You’re A Student

When you live in Idaho and you’re a student, there’s good news. You have the ability to save money on car insurance. There are a few things you need to know about buying a policy. This will ensure you are getting the best price on a monthly premium as possible.

There are several discounts that you may qualify for as a student. You may qualify for all of them or only one of them. Knowing about them all will make it easier for you to make some changes so you have the chance to qualify for them all down the road.

The top discounts for students include:

  • Good student
  • Low mileage
  • Defensive driving
  • Safe driver

Each of these discounts can be substantial – and they are not going to be the same from all of the insurance companies in Idaho.

The good student discount is typically for students with a 3.0 GPA or better. If you don’t have good grades, you know it can be advantageous to improve your grades so you can potentially lower premiums next semester.

Low mileage is a discount as well. If you’re traveling less than 20 miles a day, such as when you live on campus, it is worth a mention to the insurance agent to see if you qualify.

Defensive driving is a course you can take – and it’s only about 5 hours. Plus, it could reduce your premium by 10% or more.

Finally, you may be able to save simply by being a safe driver.

At The Insurance Shop USA, we can help you find a premium that makes sense, whether you’re a college student or not. Contact us today and we will get quotes from top insurance companies in Idaho so you can be sure you’re getting the best policy in Sandypoint.


Do These 4 Things And Your Vehicle In Sandypoint Will Be Around Longer

When you live in Sandypoint, Idaho, you want your vehicle to be around for a long time. While you may be taking care of the interior and thinking you are taking care of everything that is under the hood, there is more that you can probably be doing.

Watch Your Speed

Speeding can not only be dangerous, but can also cost you more in gas. It may also cause you to make sudden stops, which will take a negative toll on your brakes. Slow down and you may be able to hold onto your vehicle for longer.

Empty Your Trunk

Empty out your trunk from time to time so that you aren’t driving around with any excess weight. More weight can result in poor engine performance and cost you more in gas.

Change the Oil

You need to make sure that you are changing the oil and the oil filter periodically so that your engine isn’t being fed sludge. The frequency of your oil changes depend upon the make and model, but should range somewhere between 3,000 and 8,000 miles. Refer to your owner’s manual so that you know when it’s time to have the service.

Inflate Your Tires

One of the biggest mistakes that people make is to forget about their tires. Approximately 1/3 of all drivers on the road are driving around with under inflated tires. By checking the PSI on a regular basis, you can make sure that it is at the level that the manufacturer recommends. If it is lower than it should be, simply put some air in the tires.

Call The Insurance Shop USA today to learn more about ways to protect you and your car. We can help you find a car insurance policy that is affordable, and provides you with peace of mind while out on the roads in Idaho.



Wake Up When Driving

Driving in Sandypoint, Idaho requires your utmost attention. If you are completely asleep behind the wheel, you obviously cannot react to any of your surroundings. Someone could slam on their brakes in front of you, you could veer into another lane, or wildlife could run across the road. None of this can be controlled when you are not alert enough to react.

Approximately 100,000 people reported crashes occur every year and the CDC estimates thousands more go unreported. This means that there are significant statistics out there, and you don’t want to be a part of them. You could injure yourself or others, and even death could occur.

The easiest way to wake up when drowsy is to get a good night sleep the night before. This should include 7 to 9 hours of good shut-eye. If you are going long distances, pull off the highway and take a 20 minute nap if you are starting to fall asleep. There are plenty of rest areas along the highways, and also hotels and motels for you to rest at.

If you have come off of a long shift and are tired, don’t even get behind the wheel. Call for a taxi or ask someone else to drive you home.

If you have another licensed driver in the car, split the driving duties. While you drive, they can sleep, and vice versa. This is a good best practice to get in the habit of using when you are taking long road trips. You should also take a break every two hours or hundred miles so that you can stretch and ensure that you are alert enough to continue.

At The Insurance Shop, we can help find auto insurance policies that meet your needs and your budget. Call us today so we can begin finding quotes on your behalf.


What Factors Go Into The Cost Of Insuring An Antique Car?

There are some incredible things to do throughout Idaho. Many people associate the state with potato farms and while there are many around, there are also state parks, lakes for fishing, and various attractions and events to visit as well.

When you live in Idaho and have an antique car, it’s important to know how to get classic car insurance. This will ensure you are protected on the roads and will be able to file a claim should something happen to it.

There are factors involved in providing a cost for a policy on your collectible. The insurance company will want to know such details as:

– Year, make and model of car

– How much you paid for it and the year you bought it

– How you store it (garage, driveway)

– How many miles you drive it a year

All of these details will be taken into consideration when determining the cost of a classic car insurance policy. It’s better to know what these are ahead of time so you can make it easier to collect quotes.

We have agents to help you with this task in Idaho. This will ensure you don’t have to do all of the work on your own. They can talk to you about how the classic car insurance company is going to value your antique and answer any questions you may have.

Our agents are also going to work with multiple companies to try and get the best possible price for you. This ensures you don’t spend more than necessary to insure your collectible.

Call us today to let us help. Once you get the policy, you can drive around Idaho and beyond in your antique and enjoy a higher peace of mind knowing that you are well protected.